Sunday, April 24, 2011

Busy busy busy

Its been a pretty crazy couple of weeks, full of lots of traveling and lots of work up at school. Its fun, but positively exhausting.

The last coupl
e of weeks we've had a visiting glass artist in town from the Czech Republic, Frantisek Janak. He's a really cool guy, and incredibly knowledgeable. He's been really helpful the entire time he's been in town, and we've been making some really neat work as a result.

Last weekend was a whirlw
ind of activity. Friday was spent in Portales NM, at Eastern New Mexico State University. We had a Graduate show up at their gallery, and Friday was the closing. It was a really nice show, and we had a really good time visiting with everyone. That night, I rushed back to Canyon for our Night Blow, a big cookout and glassblowing demo that we do every semester to get the community involved in our program. We had a great time, and started working on producing pieces from a couple of molds that Frantisek designed.

Saturday morning a group of us headed for Ft. Worth, to attend the Vitro MoDA (a Glass Art runway show held at Neiman Marcus at Ridgemar Mall. The entire event was beautiful, and although we had a few things that did not go our way that day we wound up having a really great time. There was a runway set up, and we were able to see runway models carry glass work from artists all over the US. The event was set up as a fundraiser for SiNaCa Studios, a glass shop/gallery in Ft. Worth. They had a sale and a silent auction, and served hors d'oeuvres, dessert and drinks all evening. Its great to see a group of people raising awareness of glass art in Texas. The next morning we headed over to SiNaCa studios to assist Chad Holliday and Frantisek Janak in a glass blowing demo. We made several pieces while we were there, and I met a lot of really great people who will be good connections in the future. I hope I get to go back there soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Beautiful Show of Ceramic Work!

This is my friend Jennifer. Tonight was the opening of her Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Show at the Art Gallery in Mary Moody Northen Hall at WTAMU, and it was a GORGEOUS exhibition of her work. I asked her tonight at the show if she minded if I took a few pics and blogged about it, so this is my shameless plug for her show. Go see it!

Her work is a meditation for her through repetition. The same shapes and textures are repeated throughout, and she has created several large scale installation style pieces that fill the space of the gallery. The most wonderful thing about the show for me was the shadows cast on the walls behind her hanging pieces. They are a show all their own, and I wanted to sit down on the gallery floor and watch them change as the air conditioner gently moves the pieces through the air.

Jenn's show will be up for about 2 weeks, be sure to check it out!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blowing Glass (4/4/11)

Blowing glass in the afternoon sun is typically pretty miserable, but yesterday was a beautiful day and actually pretty pleasant. It's been several weeks since I got a chance to do a lot of work out in the hot shop, so unfortunately the piece in these pictures was my only success for the day. Next week, maybe I'll have better luck.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Art Blog

Hi! My name is Jessica Hargis, and I am currently pursuing my MFA in Sculpture at WTAMU in Canyon Texas. This blog is to chronicle my progress through school, as well as new artwork that I put out over the next few years. Please feel free to follow me and/or contact me if you have any questions or comments!